Thursday, March 8, 2012

Stop insulting our Sailors


Hope everyone has a Great Weekend.....I'll be at the Hospital with my Sister.
Surgery to remove her kidney in the wee hours tomorrow.
Prayers for her and Jax are always appreciated.
Thanks Guys!


  1. I will say lots of prayers for your sister. I hope the surgery goes well.

    Hargraves does have a point.

  2. Prayer are on the way for them both!

  3. Thoughts for you and your sister :)

    I hope all goes well Stopsign.

  4. Prayers as always. And watch out for that hospital food.

  5. Sending best thoughts for your sister, ss.

  6. Sorry everyone that I'm late in responding on this post.

    My Sisters surgery went well, she stayed a week with me and now she's staying some with another sister. Thank you all for your prayers.

    Jax's update~ His first transplant didn't go as well as expected. He's scheduled for another this Friday. He's a little fighter and I'm praying hard he keeps it up and this one is a 100% success.

  7. Just proves drunken sailors are smarter than Washington.
