Friday, November 25, 2011

Jaxson is ready to start hunting.

First thing this morning he found his teeth.

Now we all know hunters need fresh breath.

Oh No Mom~ I forgot my gun! Let's go get it :-)

He's still a little warrior. If ALL goes well he will be on the list to get  his bone marrow transplant after Christmas.


  1. Hoping and Praying that all goes well for him :)

  2. Sub~He's a Cutie.

    Pissed~Thank You

  3. Bone marrow transplant. Geez. Prayers done and doner.

  4. Prayers for him. I love his stylish overalls.

  5. Thoughts and prayers... and he does look cute in the overalls!

  6. What a cutie! My hopes and prayers are with all y'all, as well.

  7. Thanks for keeping us updated on Jaxson. He's definitely on my list...for whatever good my prayers are these days, all y'all have got 'em.

  8. Thanks everyone for your prayers and I will continue to keep you posted on Jax's progress.

    He really does look Cute in those little overalls and he almost got his first "deer" with his toy gun.
    Psst really the deer was a dog but in the land of make believe it can be anything he wants it to be. :-)
